F.U.S.E. Academy Programs




Click here to download the F.U.S.E. At Home Brochure



 Download Now A Parent Date Brochure

First Date (Week 1)

Gain a greater understanding of:

  • How we think
  • Why we get the results we are getting in our life

Second Date (Week 2)

Examine how these concepts affect relationships and the way families interact together.

It’s time to come face to face with the Wall of Opposition and learn how to break through to achieve what you really want!

Third Date (Week 3)

Create your individual Purpose Statement, Vision Statement, and Goals.

Gain greater clarity of what it is you want and improve decision making with the 4 Step Decision Making Process.

Fourth Date (Week 4) 

This week you FUSE your purpose statements together with a common vision and a set of goals as a couple and to answer the questions:

Why are we a couple? 

What values do we share together and how do we live those values?